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Baltimore's Catholic Radio - WVTO is a volunteer-run ministry that depends upon its listeners and sponsors for financial support. Your tax-deductible contributions will be used in one of the following ways:  


  • For the coverage of monthly expenses, such as our internet bill, that keep our station on-air

  • For the search and retention of advocates who are able to promote the station within parishes and around the Archdiocese

  • For the hiring of technicians and consultants with knowledge in radio, internet, websites, programming, and marketing

Make your check payable to "WVTO" and mail to: WVTO, 2612 Wilkens Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21223
Donate online via PayPal.  Click:
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Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of select purchases to WVTO via Benedictine Society of Baltimore City Inc.

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